Lately I've been purchasing items that are comfortable. I'm not sure if becoming a mom has tampered with my style but let's just say that shirt-dresses and loafers have been on heavy rotation lately. Paired with a great cross-body, in a soft color really makes this look a great casual outfit for any day of the week. Have I mentioned how much I'm loving this bag? It's not Chloe, but for the price, it's really an amazing purchase!
I have to admit, having a threenager has taken a toll on my patience. It's been really hard lately and I have these moments where I can put it aside and say he's just my baby. But other times, I want to run, scream and cry. Am I doing this right? Is this normal? How long does this last? I have the best son in the world and I know that he's asserting himself and figuring out his own independence. I'm just learning as I go doing the best I can. You mamas out there understand this feeling?

Love it 👍👍👍👍