You always hear stories about someone you know who has either beat cancer, is going through treatment, or lost their battle to it. In the last 2 years, I've had my aunt beat breast cancer after many months of chemo and radiation, and sadly having to find out my late grandmother had it as well. So, it would appear that it is something that runs in my family. I have to go get tested for the breast cancer gene, and truth be told, I have been pushing it off for some time. This is partly because I am extremely afraid of needles as well as the sight of blood, but mostly because I fear the response I may get back from the results of the test. Petty, I know, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels that way.

One thing I love to see and look for are companies that give back, as well. Maybe it's because the company I work for is such a firm believer in giving back to the community - it truly makes me very proud to be working for an organization who sees this importance! I also look for these traits in a company because I 'm a spender, and I love to see that brands I wear and like do their part to give back. This is the reason for the pic I've attached of an Alex and Ani product in support of Charity by Design, which empowers non-profit organizations both on a national and local scale to reach their goals by sharing their mission through the power of positive energy and creative design. Carolyn, the CEO, founder, and creative director, creates customized symbolic charms that capture the essence of a charity, making it more accessible to the public while raising awareness and funds. A portion of proceeds are donated directly to non-profit organizations who strive to enhance the quality of lives on Earth. By allowing consumers to enter the charitable world through their purchases, they believe a new generation of philanthropists will emerge.
    Do you have any causes you support?